James Lange

About Your Speaker, James Lange

Jim is the author of eight best-selling financial books that help protect the financial security of IRA and retirement plan owners and their families. Jim has been quoted 36 times in The Wall Street Journal.


Jim is a well-known Roth IRA expert, having written the first peer-reviewed article on Roth IRAs in 1998 published in AICPA’s The Tax Adviser. Jim also developed Lange’s Cascading Beneficiary Plan™, an estate plan that provides the maximum flexibility for married IRA and retirement plan owners.


Jim’s books have become classics and are endorsed by the country’s top experts. Retire Secure! was endorsed by Charles Schwab, Larry King, Jane Bryant Quinn, Roger Ibbotson, and 50 other experts; The Roth Revolution, endorsed by Ed Slott, and Bob Keebler; The $214,000 Mistake, How to Double Your Social Security and Maximize Your IRAs, endorsed by Larry Kotlikoff, Jonathan Clements, and Paul Merriman; and The Retirement Plan Owner’s Guide to Beating the New Death Tax, endorsed by Burton Malkiel, Larry Swedroe, and Stephan Leimberg.